Can Assassin Snails Live With Mystery Snails

Are you wondering if assassin snails can live with mystery snails? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about these two types of aquatic snails and their compatibility.

Pain Points

Have you ever had two types of snails in your aquarium that didn't seem to get along? Maybe you've tried to introduce new snails, only to have them attack or be attacked by the snails already in your tank. Or perhaps you're just worried that the snails you're considering adding won't be compatible with your current setup.

Can Assassin Snails Live with Mystery Snails?

The short answer is yes, assassin snails can live with mystery snails. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind before you add them to your aquarium.


Assassin snails and mystery snails can coexist peacefully in the same aquarium if certain conditions are met. They have different feeding habits and behaviors, which can reduce the likelihood of conflict. Adding a few things to your aquarium can ensure their coexistence: enough space, plenty of hiding spots, and adequate filtration.

Can Assassin Snails Live with Mystery Snails Target Explained

When I first started keeping snails, I was worried about combining different types in the same aquarium. But after months of research and experimenting, I've found that assassin snails and mystery snails can live together without issue. I've added assassin snails to my tank, and they've coexisted peacefully alongside my mystery snails ever since.

Creating the Right Environment

The key to keeping assassin and mystery snails together is creating the right environment. Assassin snails are carnivorous and will eat mystery snails, so it's important to provide enough space to allow the mystery snails to coexist without being food for the assassins. Providing plenty of hiding spots for both types of snails can also reduce the likelihood of conflict. And using an adequate filtration system ensures that the water remains stable, which is essential to the health of both types of snails.

Compatibility with Other Fish

Assassin snails and mystery snails are both peaceful snails and won't harm other fish. However, it's always a good idea to choose tankmates that won't prey on either type of snail. Avoid fish like puffers, loaches, crayfish, and other carnivorous species that could potentially harm or eat your snails.

Taking Precautions

Before adding any new snail species to your tank, it's important to research their specific requirements and compatibility. And when introducing new snails, it's recommended that you do so slowly and gradually, giving all the snails time to acclimate to their new environment.

Question and Answer

Q: Can assassin snails kill mystery snails?

A: Yes, assassin snails can kill and eat mystery snails, especially if they are hungry and food is scarce. It's important to provide enough space and hiding spots for both types of snails.

Q: Will mystery snails breed if assassin snails are present?

A: Yes, mystery snails can still breed even if assassin snails are present. However, it's important to note that assassin snails might eat the mystery snail eggs, so if you'd like to breed mystery snails, you should separate them from the assassins during the breeding process.

Q: Will assassin snails breed with mystery snails?

A: No, assassin snails and mystery snails cannot breed with each other. Assassin snails are freshwater snails, while mystery snails are a type of apple snail that require brackish water to reproduce.

Q: Will mystery snails eat assassin snails?

A: No, mystery snails are herbivores and will not eat assassin snails. However, they might accidentally harm them by crawling over them or on them.


While assassin snails and mystery snails can coexist peacefully in the same aquarium, there are a few precautions you should take to ensure their compatibility. Providing enough space, hiding spots, and adequate filtration can reduce the likelihood of conflict and keep both types of snails healthy and happy. By following these guidelines and taking precautions when introducing new snails, you can enjoy the beauty of both assassin and mystery snails in your aquarium.


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