Metynnis Fasciatus

If you're looking for a fish that will light up your aquarium with its colors and add a unique touch to your collection, then you might want to consider Metynnis fasciatus.

Pain Points Related to Metynnis Fasciatus

Some fish enthusiasts find it challenging to maintain the health and happiness of their Metynnis fasciatus. Being a schooling species, they need to be kept in groups of six or more. A small tank can also be stressful to them, and maintaining a bigger tank can be costly for some.

What is Metynnis Fasciatus?

Metynnis fasciatus is a beautiful freshwater fish species belonging to the family of Characidae. It's also known as the Striped Silver Dollar Fish, due to its silvery body and black stripes on its fins and tail. The fish loves to swim in open water and can grow up to 7.9 inches long.

The Main Points on Metynnis Fasciatus

In summary, Metynnis fasciatus is a gorgeous and unique addition to any aquarium, but it requires attention and care to maintain its health and happiness. Their natural environment is in South America, where it swims in freshwater rivers and tributaries. As a schooling species, they need to be kept in groups of six or more, and they prefer a spacious tank of at least 75 gallons. Additionally, regular water testing and maintenance are necessary to keep their water quality high.

Personal Experience with Metynnis Fasciatus

I have always been fascinated by the silvery appearance of Metynnis fasciatus, and I recently decided to add six of them to my freshwater aquarium. At first, their schooling behavior was more often displayed vertically than horizontally, and I realized that they needed more space. After upgrading to a larger aquarium, they became more active and playful, swimming back and forth in their new home.

Metynnis Fasciatus Tank Requirements

To ensure the well-being of Metynnis fasciatus, you need to provide them with a spacious aquarium of at least 75 gallons. The water temperature should be between 75-82°F, and the pH should be neutral to slightly acidic. You should provide them with lots of open space in the aquarium, as they love to swim in groups. It's also recommended to include live plants and hiding spots in the tank to give them a sense of security.

Metynnis Fasciatus's Diet

Metynnis fasciatus is an omnivore fish species, so you can feed them various kinds of food, such as flakes, pellets, vegetables, and small live or frozen foods, like worms and brine shrimp. It's best to feed them a varied diet and in small portions throughout the day.

How to Breeding Metynnis Fasciatus

Breeding Metynnis fasciatus requires keeping a group of six or more adult fish in a spacious aquarium of at least 100 gallons. You need to maintain the water quality, and lower its temperature for the mating season to induce spawning. The female lays the eggs on plants or breeding mops, and the male fertilizes them. After hatching, the fry should be fed small live foods until they grow big enough to eat dry food.

Question and Answer

Q: What other fish species can I keep with Metynnis fasciatus?
A: They can live in harmony with peaceful fish species, such as tetras, gouramis, and other smaller characins. Q: Can I keep a single Metynnis fasciatus in my aquarium?
A: No, it's not recommended, as they are a schooling species and need to be kept in groups of six or more. Q: How often should I clean the tank of my Metynnis fasciatus?
A: You should clean the tank regularly, performing a partial water change once a week. Test the water parameters weekly as well. Q: How big do Metynnis fasciatus grow?
A: Metynnis fasciatus can grow up to 7.9 inches long in captivity.

Conclusion of Metynnis Fasciatus

Metynnis fasciatus is a beautiful and unique addition to your freshwater aquarium, providing a pop of silver and black stripe colors. However, they require attention and care to maintain their health and happiness. As a schooling species, they need to be kept in groups of six or more, and they prefer a spacious tank of at least 75 gallons. Regular water testing and maintenance are also necessary to keep their water quality high.


Metynnis Fasciatus Breeding Coloration - Aquarium Glaser GmbH

Metynnis fasciatus Breeding coloration - Aquarium Glaser GmbH
Photo Credit by: / metynnis fasciatus breeding coloration

Metynnis Fasciatus - Aquarium Glaser GmbH

Metynnis fasciatus - Aquarium Glaser GmbH
Photo Credit by: / fasciatus metynnis

Metynnis Fasciatus - Aquarium Glaser GmbH

Metynnis fasciatus - Aquarium Glaser GmbH
Photo Credit by: / fasciatus metynnis gestreepte aquainfo aquariumglaser

Metynnis Fasciatus -

Metynnis fasciatus -
Photo Credit by: / metynnis fasciatus aqualog

Metynnis Fasciatus_DSC_0007 - Aquarienverein Hildesheim

Metynnis fasciatus_DSC_0007 - Aquarienverein Hildesheim
Photo Credit by: / metynnis fasciatus