Amazon Puffer Tankmates

The Amazon puffer is a fascinating and fun fish to keep in your aquarium. But one of the challenges that come with keeping them is finding suitable tankmates. In this post, we'll explore the best Amazon puffer tankmates and the factors to consider when choosing companions for your puffer.

Understanding the Pain Points of Amazon Puffer Tankmates

The Amazon puffer is known for its aggressive behavior, which makes it a challenge to find compatible tankmates. These fish are notorious for nipping on the fins of slower fish, which can lead to fatal injuries. The puffer's beak-like teeth can also damage plants, so it's advisable to choose hardy plants if you want to keep them in the same tank.

Choosing the Right Tankmates for Amazon Puffer

When it comes to choosing the right tankmates for your Amazon puffer, there are some factors to consider. The ideal tankmates should be able to handle the puffer's aggressive behavior and protect themselves from being nipped. They should also be able to tolerate the high water temperature that Amazon puffer requires.

Recommended Tankmates for Amazon Puffer

1. Bristlenose Pleco - They are tough and can handle the puffer's aggression. They also help keep the tank clean by eating algae.

2. Corydoras Catfish - They are bottom dwellers and stay out of the puffer's way. They also clean up the leftover food at the bottom of the tank.

3. Gourami - They are also aggressive, but their size can protect them from the puffer's attacks. Gourami can also add color to your tank.

4. African Butterfly Fish - They are slow-moving and have long fins, which can attract the puffer's attention. However, they are tough enough to avoid severe injuries.

My Experience with Amazon Puffer Tankmates

When I first got my Amazon puffer, I struggled to find suitable tankmates. I tried adding neon tetras, but they were too slow for the puffer and ended up being nipped to death. After researching, I discovered that bristlenose plecos are the best tankmates. They've been living together peacefully ever since.

Finding the Right Balance for Amazon Puffer

Finding the right balance of tankmates for your Amazon puffer can be challenging. It's essential to consider the size of your tank, the number of fish, and their temperament. It's also crucial to observe their behavior closely to ensure that there is no aggression towards each other.

Why Are Amazon Puffers So Aggressive?

Amazon puffers can be aggressive towards their tankmates because they are territorial fish. They also have a strong instinct to nip fins when they see them moving, which can be deadly for smaller fish. In the wild, they typically live alone, which is why it's essential to choose suitable tankmates carefully.

Tips for Keeping Amazon Puffer and Tankmates

1. Provide enough hiding places for your tankmates.

2. Don't overcrowd your tank. Amazon puffers need plenty of space to swim around.

3. Be mindful of the puffer's aggression towards other fish. Monitor their behavior closely and remove any fish that show signs of aggression.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I keep Amazon puffer with other Puffer species?

A: It's not recommended to keep Amazon puffer with other puffer species as they can be aggressive towards their own species.

Q: What plants can I keep with Amazon puffer?

A: You should choose hardy plants like Java ferns, Java moss, and Anubias, as Amazon puffer's beak-like teeth can damage soft plants.

Q: How often should I feed my Amazon puffer?

A: Amazon puffers are omnivores, and their diet should include live or frozen food like shrimp, worms, and snails. Feed them once or twice a day, but be careful not to overfeed them.

Q: Can I keep Amazon puffer with shrimp or snails?

A: Amazon puffer is known to eat shrimp and snails, so they are not suitable tankmates.


Choosing suitable Amazon puffer tankmates can be tricky, but it's not impossible. It's essential to consider the fish's temperament, size, and behavior before introducing them to the tank. With the right tankmates, you can create a beautiful and healthy environment for your Amazon puffer.


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