Blue Licorice Gourami

If you're a fish lover, you probably know that gouramis are a great addition to any aquarium. But have you heard of the blue licorice gourami? This stunning fish is a must-have for any serious collector. In this post, we'll cover everything you need to know about blue licorice gouramis - their characteristics, environment, and care.

The pain points of blue licorice gouramis

If you're new to fish keeping, you might be thinking, "what makes blue licorice gouramis different from other gouramis?" The answer lies in their care needs. While these fish aren't necessarily challenging to keep, they do have some specific requirements that must be met in order to thrive.

The target of blue licorice gouramis

Blue licorice gouramis, also known by their scientific name Parosphromenus deissneri, are native to Southeast Asia. They require soft, acidic water with a pH of 6-7 and a temperature range of 78-82°F. They are also a somewhat shy fish, so plenty of hiding spaces should be provided in their environment.

Summary of blue licorice gourami's main points

In summary, blue licorice gouramis are a unique and stunning addition to any aquarium. While their care requirements are specific, they are certainly worth the effort if you want to add a beautiful and unique species to your collection.

My personal experience with blue licorice gouramis

When I first saw blue licorice gouramis, I was blown away by their beauty. The iridescent blue shades on their body seem to change based on the angle you view them from. After doing research on their care needs, I decided to add them to my aquarium. I found that they were somewhat shy at first, but once they became acclimated to their environment, they added a stunning and peaceful presence to my tank.

blue licorice gourami

Why you should consider adding blue licorice gouramis to your aquarium

Blue licorice gouramis are a unique and striking addition to any tank. Their care needs may be specific, but once their requirements are met, they make an excellent addition to any community tank. Additionally, these fish are relatively easy to breed in the right conditions, which can be a rewarding experience for experienced hobbyists.

blue licorice gourami

Caring for blue licorice gouramis

As mentioned earlier, blue licorice gouramis require soft, acidic water with a pH of 6-7 and a temperature range of 78-82°F. They should be provided with plenty of hiding spaces, such as driftwood and plants, as they can be shy and tend to hide when disturbed. Their diet should consist of high-quality pellets and live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp.

blue licorice gourami

Breeding blue licorice gouramis

Blue licorice gouramis are relatively easy to breed in the right conditions. Breeding pairs should be provided with plenty of privacy and a well-planted environment. The water temperature should be raised slightly to around 84°F to stimulate breeding. Once the female lays her eggs, the male will fertilize them and guard the nest until they hatch.

Question and Answer about blue licorice gouramis

Q: Can blue licorice gouramis be kept in a community tank?

A: Yes, blue licorice gouramis can be kept in a community tank with other peaceful species that have similar water requirements.

Q: How big do blue licorice gouramis get?

A: Blue licorice gouramis reach a maximum size of around 2 inches.

Q: Are blue licorice gouramis difficult to care for?

A: While blue licorice gouramis have specific care requirements, they are not necessarily challenging to care for as long as their needs are met.

Q: Can blue licorice gouramis be housed with other gourami species?

A: Blue licorice gouramis should not be kept with other gourami species, as they may become aggressive towards one another.

Conclusion of blue licorice gouramis

Blue licorice gouramis are a unique and beautiful addition to any aquarium. While they have specific care needs, they make an excellent addition to any community tank with the right conditions. Breeding these fish can also be a rewarding experience for experienced hobbyists. Consider adding a few of these stunning fish to your tank today!


Licorice Gourami - Gouramis - Parosphromenus Deissneri | Tank Facts

Licorice Gourami - Gouramis - Parosphromenus deissneri | Tank Facts
Photo Credit by: / gourami licorice

Dwarf Gourami - Licorice Gourami ( Parosphromenus Deissneri ) 2.5cm

Dwarf Gourami - Licorice Gourami ( Parosphromenus Deissneri ) 2.5cm
Photo Credit by: / gourami licorice parosphromenus

Licorice Gourami | Akvaristika I Teraristika

Licorice Gourami | Akvaristika i teraristika
Photo Credit by: / licorice gourami

Wet Spot Tropical Fish | Gouramis | Parosphromenus Gunawani - Blue Line

Wet Spot Tropical Fish | Gouramis | Parosphromenus gunawani - Blue Line
Photo Credit by: / gourami licorice parosphromenus blue fish line spot aquarium sp tropical labyrinth gouramis

Licorice Gourami | Aquariumvissen, Tropische Vissen, Vissen

licorice gourami | Aquariumvissen, Tropische vissen, Vissen
Photo Credit by: / gourami licorice parosphromenus vissen tropische freshwater aquariumvissen

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