Frilly Arrow Crab

The frilly arrow crab is a unique crustacean that can be found in saltwater aquariums. Its distinct appearance and behavior make it a popular choice for aquarium hobbyists. But there are some important things to know about this creature before adding it to your tank.

Pain Points

One potential pain point with the frilly arrow crab is its aggressive nature. It may attack and kill other creatures in the tank, including fish and smaller invertebrates. Additionally, these crabs can be difficult to feed, as they prefer live prey and may not accept prepared foods. They also require specific water parameters, including high levels of dissolved oxygen and low levels of nitrates and phosphates.


The frilly arrow crab is targeted towards aquarists who are looking for a unique and interesting addition to their saltwater aquariums. These hobbyists should have experience with keeping invertebrates and be willing to provide the necessary care and attention needed for this crab's specific needs.

Summary of Main Points

The frilly arrow crab is a popular choice for aquarium hobbyists due to its unique appearance and behavior. However, their aggressive nature and specific care requirements should be considered before adding them to a tank. Aquarists should ensure proper feeding, water parameters, and compatibility with other tank inhabitants.

Personal Experience and Information

I first discovered the frilly arrow crab while searching for a unique addition to my saltwater tank. After researching the care requirements and compatibility with other creatures in my tank, I decided to add one to my aquarium. Watching it move around the tank and interact with other creatures has been fascinating. However, I have had to be vigilant about feeding it live prey and monitoring its aggressive tendencies towards other creatures.

Frilly Arrow Crab in aquarium

Frilly arrow crabs are nocturnal creatures, and they spend most of their time hiding in caves or crevices. They will come out at night to hunt and scavenge for food. It is important to provide plenty of hiding places in the tank to make them feel more comfortable.

Care and Maintenance

Frilly arrow crabs require a well-established saltwater tank with plenty of live rock and hiding places. They prefer to eat small live prey, such as brine shrimp or mysis shrimp, but can also be fed small pieces of fish or shrimp. As mentioned earlier, they require specific water parameters, including high levels of dissolved oxygen and low levels of nitrates and phosphates. It is recommended to monitor these levels regularly and perform water changes as needed.

Frilly Arrow Crab

Behavior and Interaction

Frilly arrow crabs have an aggressive nature and may attack other creatures in the tank. It is important to only keep them with compatible tank mates, such as larger fish or other invertebrates. They may also display territorial behavior, especially towards other frilly arrow crabs or crabs of similar size and appearance.

Feeding and Diet

Frilly arrow crabs are opportunistic feeders and will scavenge for food in addition to hunting live prey. However, they may ignore prepared foods and only eat live prey. It is important to provide a varied diet and offer small feedings multiple times a day, as these creatures have a high metabolism.

Question and Answer

Q: Can frilly arrow crabs live with other invertebrates?

A: Frilly arrow crabs may attack and kill other invertebrates in the tank, so it is important to only keep them with compatible tank mates.

Q: How often should I perform water changes for my frilly arrow crab?

A: It is recommended to monitor water parameters regularly and perform water changes as needed to maintain ideal levels.

Q: Can frilly arrow crabs live in a reef tank?

A: They can live in a reef tank with caution, as they may eat smaller invertebrates such as snails and shrimp.

Q: Do frilly arrow crabs molt?

A: Yes, frilly arrow crabs will molt as they grow. It is important to provide a hiding place for them during this time, as they may be more vulnerable to attack from other tank mates.


The frilly arrow crab is a unique and fascinating creature that can add a lot of personality to a saltwater aquarium. However, their specific care requirements and aggressive nature should be considered before adding them to a tank. Providing a suitable environment with proper diet and monitoring water parameters can help maintain the health and happiness of these creatures.


Frilly Arrow Crab-SBRC-I-FAC

Frilly Arrow Crab-SBRC-I-FAC
Photo Credit by: / arrow crab frilly crabs

Something Fishy :: Aquarium Livestock :: Inverts & Clams :: Crabs

Something Fishy :: Aquarium Livestock :: Inverts & Clams :: Crabs
Photo Credit by: / crab frilly arrow decorator

Crab : Frilly Arrow Crab

Crab : Frilly Arrow Crab
Photo Credit by: / crab arrow frilly

Frilly Arrow Crab

Frilly Arrow Crab
Photo Credit by: / frilly crab arrow sku

Other Inverts: Frilly Arrow Crab* - Reef Cleaners

Other Inverts: Frilly Arrow Crab* - Reef Cleaners
Photo Credit by: /